There isn't a good time to have a loved one die, but adolescence may be the toughest.

Teens are already struggling with:

                       - bodily changes
                       - emotional upheavel
                       - identity issues
                       - peer acceptance
                       - issues of independence
                       - college choices
                       - career goals

With the help of caring adults, even teens who face the devastating  loss of a parent, sibling, or friend can survive, heal, and grow.

Helping Teens Work Through Grief provides a wealth of material for:  teachers counselors psychologists  hospice personnel spiritual youth guides mentors

This resource manual provides:
         ~ background information about teens and grief
          ~ framework for initiating, organizing, and leading a teen grief group
          ~ specific exercises to help teens reflect upon and share their particular concerns
          ~ creative activities including drawing, molding clay, painting, writing, listening to music to help move through the pain of grief
          ~ Ideas for closing, evaluating and providing follow-up

"Crazy Grief" captures the spirit of one gathering in a series for teens who are grieving the death of someone close to them. The teens share their concerns in a meaningful dialogue with other grieving teens, as an adult facilitates the process. The poignant comments of these courageous teens provide readers with some insight into the mind and heart of this vulnerable group.

"Teen Grief Group: Respite from Isolation" demonstrates the tremendous need of grieving teens to know that they are not alone. The "Tips for Beginning a Teen Grief Group" section provides practical, how-to information for initiating and implementing a support group. As one teen summarized the group, ""I thought my feelings were dumb, and I was ashamed of them. Then, I came to this group and realized that others have the same feelings. When I'm with others outside this group, I feel abnormal. Here, I feel more secure. I am a normal, grieving person."

What professionals are saying about the resource book, Helping Teens Work Through Grief.

About the author, Mary Kelly Perschy.

How to order Helping Teens Work Through Grief:


Table of Contents

What Professionals Say

About the Author

Crazy Grief

Accompanying Teens Whose Lives Are Touched By Loss

Grief Links

How to Order

Teen Grief Group

Email Author